We understand the perspective of business owners and the specifics of their companies and know the expectations of buyers. We bring these two worlds together to achieve the best possible terms to the party we represent while minimising the risks.
Due to the number of completed deals, our extensive database of buyers and potential acquisition targets and the length of our activity, we rank among the leading advisors in the SME M&A segment in the Czech Republic.
We understand the perspective of business owners and the specifics of their companies and know the expectations of buyers. We bring these two worlds together to achieve the best possible terms to the party we represent while minimising the risks.
Due to the number of completed deals, our extensive database of buyers and potential acquisition targets and the length of our activity, we rank among the leading advisors in the SME M&A segment in the Czech Republic.
years in
the market
in the database
million crowns
the largest deal
the fastest sale
Why us?
We have an exceptional investor reach, creating a competitive environment to sell on the best terms to the most suitable buyer.
We can realistically estimate the success of a sale or acquisition and the achievable price range. We engage in cooperation only if we believe in completing the deal.
We take individual care of the entire transaction process. We are not an advertising portal. We only tackle as many projects as we can responsibly handle.
We fully adapt our processes to the confidentiality of selling a business and the protection of sensitive information.
We operate throughout the Czech Republic with our headquarters in Prague.
We are specialists educated in the field with more than 20 years of experience. Our company and our activities are transparent.
Completed transactions
All done deals
cosmetics manufacturer
capital entry (sale of 40% share)
manufacturing servicesThe company Chemservis spol. s r.o. from Hradec Králové deals with the development and production of cosmetic products. A growing, profitable company with two manufacturing plants and a development lab was invested in by one of its customers. This is a company from the Topadroit group operating an e-shop with cosmetics and food supplements under the brand venira. We provided comprehensive transactional support to the owner of Chemservis in the sale of a 40% stake in the company and setting up of joint business relations, including the anticipated investment in the company for the purpose of expanding production capacity. It took 10 months to negotiate and prepare the transaction, which also included spinning off part of the company's activities to another company. Signing and closing took place in December 2024.
Legal advice to the seller was provided by PPS advokáti.

hair cosmetics distributor
asset and share deal combination
trading servicesWe provided full transaction support to the owner of Kadeřnický velkoobchod Tomáš Drobný, s.r.o. (KVTD), which is part of a network of seven wholesalers covered by the HAIR SERVIS company. This group with 20 branches and 13 training centers is the largest domestic B2B distributor of professional hair cosmetics. The entire group was bought by the second largest Czech online seller (B2C) of hair cosmetics Bezvavlasy, whose shares are traded on the Start market of the Prague Stock Exchange. The purchase price of CZK 530 million consists of cash, acquisition loan, deferred payment and 2/5th is covered by newly issued Bezvavlasy shares, thanks to which the sellers will participate in significant synergies resulting from the merger and further development of the entire group with current combined sales of CZK 1.1 billion and EBITDA over CZK 110 million. In the case of KVTD, the sale took the form of a specific combination of an asset deal and a share deal. The sales process lasted over 2,5 years, and negotiations with Bezvavlasy took 14 months with closing before Christmas 2023.
Tomáš Drobný, co-owner of HAIR SERVIS: "Without the help of the Akvizit team, I would have been lost in the long sales process and the very complex structure of the transaction. Thanks to the full personal commitment and experience of Mr. Dvořák, despite the different interests of more than 15 participants in the transaction, we managed to negotiate excellent conditions for the sale of my lifelong developed business and its continuation in the emerging Bezvavlasy-Hair Servis group, in which I will also participate as a shareholder."
Legal advice to the sellers was provided by Kinstellar.
Acquisition financing was provided by Raiffeisenbank.

software developer
sale of 100% shares in the company
servicesThe company KS – program, spol. s r.o. belongs to market leaders in personnel and payroll information systems in Czechia and Slovakia, which the company provides to large and medium-sized companies as well as to the public sector. Sales of the company from Vsetín with approx. 30 employees reach CZK 35 million with an interesting EBITDA of over CZK 10 mio. The sale of the firm from the hands of three associates, which we handled in cooperation with our partner Kreston A&CE, enjoyed great interest from investors. This contributed to a relatively quick sale process, when the sale of 100% share in the software company was completed after only 6 months in December 2023. The new owner is the leading domestic software group Seyfor with operations in 7 European countries. The existing partners will continue to participate in the management of the company under the wings of the strong strategic investor.
The transaction was fully financed by buyer´s equity.
Legal advice to the sellers was provided by Eversheds Sutherland.

property manager
sale of 100% shares in the company
servicesRK Beskyd spol. s r.o. and three related companies provide property management services in the Zlín Region. Companies with stable performance and a professional team manage approx. 3,000 flats of private owners and municipalities. Two owners have developed these companies since early 90s. As part of their planned retirement, the partners entrusted us with the sale of their business, which we successfully completed in December 2023. It was acquired by a strategic investor – a group of companies providing real estate management. With this acquisition the new owner will expand its regional coverage and enable clients of RK Beskyd to use additional services related to the management and maintenance of housing units.
Legal advice to the sellers was provided by PPS advokáti.

ski resort
acquitision of 100% shares
servicesAs part of the acquisition of Spartak Rokytnice by Trigema Leisure we provided a virtual data room service. Spartak Rokytnice operates a ski resort in Rokytnice nad Jizerou (the fifth largest ski resort in the Czech Republic). Acquisition due diligence took place in the summer of 2023, the transaction was closed in September 2023. Trigema Leisure, which bought 100% of the company's shares from TJ Spartak Rokytnice nad Jizerou, belongs to the leading domestic development group Trigema.

building materials supplier
acquisition of 100% shares in the company
tradingOne of the leading Czech building materials suppliers IZOMAT stavebniny took over company Stavebniny Davle through us. In May 2022, based on the acquisition demand for building materials supplier posted on this website, we were approached by the owner of the company SOUTOK-Stavebniny, which runs an established and profitable building materials store in Davle in Central Bohemia with a sales of over CZK 50 million. After an agreement with the seller, negotiations were started under our leadership with the IZOMAT group, with which we have been cooperating for a long time in the search for acquisitions (thus we acted within the buy mandate). We brought the transaction to a successful conclusion at the turn of 2022/23. Within the process, the operating part of the company (i.e. sale of construction materials) including employees, equipment and supplies was split off into the new company Stavebniny Davle, which was subsequently bought out by an investor (i.e. share deal). The seller retained the real property, which will be leased to the operating company on a long-term basis. The aim of the acquisition is to expand the IZOMAT network with another branch in Central Bohemia.

chemical manufacturer
sale of 100% shares in the company
manufacturingVIKTOR trade, s.r.o. from Nové Město na Moravě deals with the development and production of special varnishes for packaging used in the food and pharmaceutical industry. The founders managed to build a very successful business with advanced know-how to produce unique products for customers virtually all over the world. The production takes place in their own modern and fully invested plant. In recent years, the company has achieved revenue of over CZK 300 mio with EBITDA of CZK 25-50 million. For the owners, who decided to address generational change by selling the company, we took care of the entire sale process in cooperation with our partner Kreston A&CE. Despite strong investor interest, the sale was delayed and took 18 months in the end due to the Covid pandemic and related fluctuations in the feedstock market. In March 2022, a group of private investors (investor pool) became the new owner with a vision of strategic development of VIKTOR trade that will exploit its great potential. Investors will gradually take over the management of the company.
Legal advice to the sellers was provided by Havel & Partners.
Acquisition financing was provided by Raiffeisenbank.

producer of plastic parts
manufacturingThe owners of MEGAT - Výroba z plastů Zlín spol. s.r.o. asked us to sell their company in connection with their planned retirement. The strongly export-oriented company, founded in 1992, is engaged in the production of plastic products using plastic extrusion technology. Its product range mainly includes plastic profiles, mouldings, edges and garden curbings. The company, with almost 40 employees and modern technological equipment in its own premises in Zlín, achieves sales revenue of about CZK 80 million and EBITDA between 10 and 15 mio. Despite the adverse economic conditions associated with the Covid pandemic and higher inflation, the transaction was completed in February 2022. The buyer is a major strategic investor from the same region – manufacturer of plastics SPUR, which will expand its product range and gain an attractive customer portfolio through the acquisition. The sale transaction will allow MEGAT to continue its expansion beyond its already inadequate own premises.
Legal advice to the sellers was provided by Neubauer & Partner.

metal work
sale of 100% shares in the company
manufacturingZIHOS s.r.o. with 26 employees and revenue of over CZK 30 million produces satellite holders and welded structures made of steel, stainless steel and aluminium. We communicated with the founder of the company from the Klatovy region, for a number of years and looked for a suitable successor to the profitable business. The sale of the company operating since the early 1990s was completed in April 2021. The new owner is a private investor with experience in managing engineering companies, for whom the acquisition is an entry into his own business activities. The transaction also included the production site where ZIHOS operates.
Ing. Josef Ziegler, the original owner/seller: “Selling a company is never pleasant for the owner because he has strong personal ties to the company he founded and built. Thanks to the correctness of Mr Čakan from TrhFirem/TF Partners, who was personally engaged in this transaction, the sale went very smoothly and without any troubles. I consider Mr Čakan a very reliable partner and I can highly recommend him to everyone.”
Legal advice to the sellers was provided by PPS advokáti.

energy equipment producer
sale of 60% shares in the company
manufacturingVENTOS s.r.o. produces covers and noise-proof machine cabins and power equipment of own design (heat exchangers and industrial dryers). Revenue of the company from Rumburk exceed CZK 150 million, EBITDA reached 18 mio in 2017. Our fully underwritten transaction was completed in July 2018, when 60% of the company was acquired by the private equity group SkyLimit Investments for its SkyLimit Industry fund. VENTOS thus expanded their portfolio of synergistic industrial companies. One of the original owners retained a 40% share and will continue to develop new products as the Technical Director of the company.
Legal advice to the sellers was provided by Weinhold Legal from Ernst & Young group.
Acquisition financing was provided by UniCredit Bank.

producer of chemical mixtures
sale of 100% shares in the company
manufacturing tradingELCHEMCo, spol. s.r.o. has been a supplier of chemical preparations for 25 years. It focuses on materials for electronics, electrical engineering, engineering, mixtures for modelers, artists and do-it-yourselfers. Part of the assortment consists of own products, part is a distribution of products from other manufacturers. The company has a stable turnover of over CZK 20 mio with an interesting EBITDA margin. The sale of ELCHEMCo by three retiring founders was completed in September 2017 following a shorter sale process. The company and its management were taken over by a private investor with long-term business experience.
Legal advice to the sellers was provided by PPS advokáti.

supplier of plumbing products
sale of 100% shares in the company
tradingSince the 1990s, the group of companies has been engaged in the import and wholesale of water-heating-gas-sanitary products, where they are among the leading domestic players. The owners have built a stable and long-term profitable company with sales revenue of around CZK 200 million with five branches in Czechia and a growing subsidiary in Slovakia. The group owns two main distribution centers with technical and service facilities with an area of over 22,000 m2 in attractive locations. The sale was planned within a generational change. The transaction under our full guidance, was completed in June 2017 to the hands of an investor group with partly similar wholesale activities.
Legal advice to the sellers was provided by Havel & Partners.
Acquisition financing was provided by Česká spořitelna.
At the request of the parties, the name of the company has not yet been published. More detailed information will be provided upon request.

manufacturer of fiberglass parts
sale of 100% shares in the company
manufacturingIndustrial enterprise SAVEA spol. s.r.o. with more than 40 years of tradition, deals with the production of structural parts from composite plastics (fiberglass) and related metalwork. The parts are used in various industries, especially in transport and handling technology (almost all trams manufactured in the Czech Republic contain a number of parts from SAVEA). Small series type of production is subject to demanding certifications, the complex manufacturing process includes, among other things, development and design of parts, production of models and molds, and assembly. The revenue of the company with 130 employees exceed CZK 100 million with EBITDA between 10-20 mio. Original owners, who built a long-term prosperous business in Berounsko region, decided to ensure its continuation in hands of a new investor due to their planned retirement. The sale process, given specific circumstances, took several years. We completed the transaction at the turn of 2016/2017, when SAVEA was taken over by an investment holding of industrial enterprises. The buyer financed the transaction fully with equity.
Legal advice to the sellers was provided by Weinhold Legal from Ernst&Young advisory group.

distributor of hair cosmetics
sale of 100% shares in the company
tradingSalon Professional, s.r.o. is the largest independent domestic importer and exclusive distributor of high-end brands of hair cosmetics for hairdressing salons in Czechia and Slovakia. During eight years of its existence, the company has been growing at double-digit rates every year thanks to its very professional management and innovative approach. In 2014 it exceeded the sales revenue threshold of CZK 100 million with an impressive EBITDA of 18 mio. The owner, a US citizen, commissioned us to sell his successful business due to planned move abroad. The sale process took one year and was successfully completed in October 2015. The buyer is a private investor with many years of experience in management and finance from multinational companies. After the transaction he became personally involved in the management of the company.
Legal advice to the sellers was provided by PwC Legal.
Acquisition financing was provided by Komerční banka.

manufacturer of road scales
capital entry (sale of 70% shares)
manufacturingProducer of road scales of its own design TENZOVÁHY, s.r.o. has been operating on the market since 1991. In this segment it belongs to the leading domestic manufacturers, significant part of its production is exported. Despite relatively stable growth and performance, the company was looking for new impuls for development, the need for which was accelerated by the retirement of one of the founding partners. In July 2015, after more than a year of negotiations, a private investor with experience in strategic management bought 70% of the shares. Together with the original owners, who retained minority stakes, he will be actively involved in further development of the successful business.

producer of checking fixtures
sale of 70% shares in the company
manufacturingKERI, spol. s r.o. is a leading manufacturer of special contactless measuring and checking products (so-called "cubings"), which it supplies to the automotive industry. During its more than twenty years of existence, the company has been growing steadily and has always been profitable. Currently, KERI employs 50 people in its production plant in Turnov, and in 2014 it achieved revenue of over CZK 70 million. In January 2015, after six months sale process, the majority stake was bought by private equity fund specialising in investments in small and medium-sized businesses. The combination of the original co-owner of KERI, who remains in the company, with this experienced investment partner, creates conditions for further development of the business and its market share growth in the Central and Eastern Europe.
Legal advice to the sellers was provided by Havel, Holásek & Partners.

tool shop
sale of 100% shares in the company
manufacturingThe company NAF, a.s. from Eastern Bohemia is a traditional manufacturer of process tools for automotive and electrical industry with highly qualified employees. After 12 years of building up the company, its founding shareholder decided to leave the management for health reasons and sell the business. Already at the beginning of our cooperation, a smaller domestic private equity fund expressed interest in the offered company. The sale of 100% shares took place five months after the negotiations began, in August 2008. The buyer wants to expand the well recognised toolmaking work also to customers in other industries.
Josef Barták, exiting shareholder of NAF: „Cooperation with TrhFirem brought a quick resolution to the sale of my company. I am pleased to have been able to find a suitable follower for my business, who sees prospects in the tool making“.

plastic parts manufacturer
asset deal
manufacturingChemoplast, a.s. has a sixty-year history in the field of thermoplastic processing and injection mould manufacturing. The production program in three plants in Brno and its surroundings consists mainly of the production of plastic mouldings for various industries, but also children's toys, thanks to which this company has become widely known. After a two-year search and communication with potential buyers, suitable investors were found for the company. In July 2008 they took over all 90 employees, the trademarked production program and production technologies by means of their SPV company Chemoplast BEC (acquisition through an asset deal). The investors were represented by the Blue Elephant Company, which was founded by managers who had previously been involved in the successful restructuring of Zetor in Brno. The investors' intention is to develop the company's prospective activities, especially in the field of technical mouldings, and at the same time to make its operations more efficient.

car dealership and service
sale of 100% shares in the company
trading servicesAUTOVARS, a.s. is one of the largest dealers and service centers of Opel and Chevrolet in Prague and at the same time one of the oldest dealership of these brands in the country. The owners started to focus more on other business activities, so they decided to sell the company. After more than two years of cooperation with the shareholders, we managed to find a suitable buyer with a clear vision of how to develop the business further. This was the BESICO group of companies, which mainly deals with logistics and services for motorists. The sale of 100% shares took place in April 2008.

aluminium foundry
sale of 100% shares in the company
manufacturingThe cooperation with the owners of Slévárna hliníku s.r.o. on the sale of their company began in December 2005. The enterprise with 75 employees is one of the successful foundries with the technology of gravity and die casting of aluminium alloys with annual sales of around CZK 70 million. Already in January 2006, a holding company operating in the fields of metal production, tool making, electrical equipment, etc. expressed interest in the acqusition of the foundry. Negotiations lasted, with breaks, for almost two years, while talks were also held with other interested buyers. The sale of shares owned by two founding partners took place in October 2007. The new investor envisages further development of the foundry and partial integration into his group. The sellers will continue to serve on the management board for the next two years.